The Sun Rises Again!

A big thank you to Tony Nash for nominating MMC! for a Sunshine Blogger Award! We’re coming to this honour lamentably late, having been in the throes of Fantasia International Film Festival screenings when Mr. Nash bestowed this lovely award on MMC! Tony’s blog, Movie Fan Man: Cinema Connoisseur, is always a good read (particularly if you love European genre cinema) and it is currently celebrating “Spagvemberfest!” – a 30-day celebration of the Spaghetti Western! MMC! is sincerely grateful for Tony’s support. Let’s hope we do some justice to his questions!

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Here Comes the Sun, Finally!

MMC! is lamentably late in acknowledging its nomination for a Sunshine Blogger Award by Tony Nash of Movie Fan Man! Cinema fans (particularly those of Euro-crime) should make Movie Fan Man a regular stop as Tony’s valuable appraisals of movies high and low shouldn’t be missed.  And, of course, MFM has become a stalwart follower of MMC! and its fantasies, and I am exceptionally grateful for that support!

Now, to the questions!

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Mystery Blogger Award Nominations!

mystery-bloggerBig thanks to Charlene and her (Mostly) Classic Movie Reviews blog and to joey halphen of wolffian classics movies digest for both nominating MMC! for a Mystery Blogger Award (the creation of Okoto Enigma). Charlene keeps up a prolific pace over at C(M)CMR and provides plenty of great takes on many Criterion Collection titles, while joey provides elaborate multi-media posts on a great selection of movies, some bearing wacky”Cs” as well. MMC! is honoured to receive these nominations and is happy to find fellow travelers in cinematic devotion. Please head over to their sites and check them out!

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Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

sunshine-bloggerBig thanks to the lovely Summer at Serendipitous Anachronisms for nominating MMC! for a Sunshine Blogger Award! Serendipitous Anachronisms not only boasts a truly wonderful title and a great banner image, but provides a consistently engaging one-two punch of philosophical deconstruction and pop culture enthusiasm. Needless to say, MMC! is proud to receive this nomination from the blogathon powerhouses that are Summer Reeves and Serendipitous Anachronisms!  Thanks!

Now, lets answer Summer’s questions!

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silverscreenings-sealBig thanks to Ruth at Silver Screenings for her kind words about MMC! and for bestowing on this little corner of the digital world her 1st edition Seal of Approval! Silver Screenings sets a high bar for blogging and so we’re always pleased to get a passing grade from Ruth.

With our focus on the National Film Board of Canada concluded, MMC! now returns to regular broadcasting.  Within a week or so, we hope to post our next Arrow Video proposal, this time promoting an underappreciated example of late-’80s Italian horror.  See you then!

Liebster II: The Liebstering

liebster2Big thanks to Berto for nominating MMC! for its second Liebster Award! Berto’s 24 Masterpieces Per Second: A Blog About Film Appreciation is an insightful blog providing interpretations and analyses about a wide variety of filmic subjects, engaging in the sort of passionate and invested discussions that do justice to the term “critic” and make film reviewing a meritorious effort.

(Note: Berto has recently stopped writing reviews, and while I don’t necessarily agree with the reasons for doing so, I definitely admire the thought, accountability, and self-criticism that went into that choice. If Berto has a change of heart on this point, I’ll be happy to read those reviews!)

Liebster rules, once again, are:

  1. Thank the blogger(s) that nominated you;
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you;
  3. Nominate up to 11 bloggers of your own choosing (blogs should have fewer than 200 followers);
  4. Let the nominees know (in a comment) of their nomination;
  5. Give them 11 questions of their own.

So, on to Berto’s questions:

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