Make Mine Neon Eagle!

NEV_logoWhen Jared Auner of Mondo Macabro posts about a new label devoted to Asian Cult cinema, MMC! takes gleeful notice!

With the announcement below, Auner and his partners Jesse Nelson and Brian Izzi of Cauldron Films launch Neon Eagle Video, a new home video boutique imprint dedicated to Asian cult cinema, and reveal their first release, the Taiwanese revenge-fest Kill Butterfly Kill. This inaugural edition will offer multiple cuts of the film and promises a stacked, double-Blu-ray, limited edition release. Needless to say, MMC! is intrigued by Kill Butterfly Kill’s cartoonish violence and its Pinky Violence meets Turksploitation sensibility (not to mention that cover image which appears to include appropriated Kamen Rider V3 masks!). NEV promises future releases including a title from Japan – just take MMC!’s money already!


KILL BUTTERFLY KILL cover artCauldron Films’ Jesse Nelson and Brian Izzi, in collaboration with Mondo Macabro’s Jared Auner are proud to announce the formation of a new home video boutique imprint, Neon Eagle Video (NEV),that will focus on the trashier side of Asian cinema, highlighting exploitation, action, horror, and other ‘cult’ films that have been neglected in the High Definition era.

Each disc will be lovingly curated and produced by Jared Auner, with restoration, authoring, manufacturing, and distribution handled by Cauldron Films. Each release will be sold through the Cauldron Films site and

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A Fair(y) Use Tale (Eric Faden, 2007)

This year’s “Top Film Discoveries” list is still four months away but certain themes are already revealing themselves. In many ways, 2019 is MMC!‘s year of collage and found footage as it includes wonderful city symphonies like Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (Walter Ruttmann, 1927) and Études sur Paris (André Sauvage, 1928), Luigi Cozzi’s 1977 psychedelic remix of Godzilla (aka Cozzilla), and the activist work of Craig Baldwin. Our next two Criterion Collection proposals will celebrate the art of appropriation and so we set that table with this informative review of copyright principles prepared by Bucknell University Professor Eric Faden. Be careful not to take the existence of A Fair(y) Use Tale (2007) as a statement on its legality as Disney never challenged Bucknell’s use of its content. Take this instead as evidence that the only thing that trumps the Mouse House’s enforcement of copyright is its care not to establish a disadvantageous legal precedent.

A Three Reasons Preview

Our next proposal has proven more involved than expected, but it should go up this weekend and we hope it impresses.  In the meantime, we thought we might provide a little tease of what’s to come.

Here are “Three Reasons” for our next Criterion Collection proposal:

  1. Reality Entertainment
  2. Dancing on the Edge
  3. Selling Out the American Dream

Got it? Either way, MMC! will meet you on the Santa Monica Pier in a day or two.

A Three Reasons Preview

It seems like our latest post is taking longer than expected and so we thought we might offer another “Three Reasons” preview in the meantime.  I don’t expect too much difficulty figuring out our next title and I can definitely picture what this video would look like – assuming Criterion still made “Three Reasons” videos!  (Criterion – Please bring them back!)

Three ReasonsHere are our “Three Reasons” for MMC!‘s next Criterion Collection hopeful:

  1. It’s All About the Leads
  2. The ABCs of Sales
  3. A Profane Classic

A Three Reasons Preview

Three ReasonsAlliteration gets used and abused in our latest tease.  We’d like to think that this cheap tactic properly evokes the tabloid sensationalism that rooted the cinematic and narrative values of our relevant filmmaker.  However, despite the stylish of this director’s films, substance was never lacking and these reasons are more than just descriptive plays on words.  (That first one is a dead giveaway!)

Here are our “Three Reasons” for MMC!‘s next Criterion Collection hopeful:

  1. A Woman with a Whip
  2. The Wide, Wide West
  3. Wanton Western Wordplay